Hello family and friends,
Transfer news:
I am staying here in Bindura and my new companion is Sister Namugenyi from Uganda. She is a super sweet and humble sister from my MTC group. Saying goodbye to Sister Nafula was very hard. I love that girl and please keep her in your prayers as she is returning home without the greetings of her mother.
I have learned so many things on my mission, but something very important and dear to me (that I know I always preach about) is love. It is the first and greatest commandment and we know that we cannot enter into the kingdom of God without the attribute charity.I have learned to love people fully, regardless of how they treat me which can be a hard thing sometimes. As human beings, we do not like others to demean our worth or make us feel small but we must remember that how we treat others is a reflection of ourselves, and we are all God's children, The hardest to love need love the most. I am thankful for being here and learning so much each and every day. I am thankful to be a missionary and that Heavenly Father allows me to even though I am far from perfect. I love the people and Zimbabwe. This gospel is true. We need to apply it in our lives or else we are nothing.
Pictures coming next week.
Packages and letters:
65 Enterprise Rd. Highlands Harare Zimbabwe.
-the easiest way for me to receive packages cheap & fast is by using padded envelopes. :)
Sister Beckstead